May 24


6th International Gran Canaria Spring Symposium in Tourism Development (VI SSTD 2024)

The UNESCO Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) is organising the Workshop online entlited “Exploring Intersections: Tourism, Gender and Paths to Peace”. This workshop will be held on 14 June, as part of the 6th International Gran Canaria Spring Symposium in Tourism Development (VI SSTD 2024), an international event organised by the University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development of the ULPGC.

Tourism is recognised with great potential for women empowerment, social and cultural underestandings, dialogue, and peace. Its potential is even greater when tourism becomes more ecologically and socially just, and thus more sustainable. Starting from these premises, this workshop opens debate on how to achieve significant gender equality and women empowerment in the design, management and access to benefits from the tourism activity.

This workshop is coordinated by Matías M. González (Director of Cooperation of the UNESCO Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development, ULPGC) and Yen E. Lam González (Director of Research of the UNESCO Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development, ULPGC).

Organised by the UNESCO Chair on Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development. (Director: Carmelo J. Leon Gonzalez and Co-Director: Javier de Leon Ledesma).

Join the meeting (Friday 14th June, 12:00)

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