The main aim of CLIMAR is to enhance research, innovation, knowledge transfer
and continuous professional development in a cross-sectoral way, contributing to the adaptation of
tourism activities to climate change and to the mitigation of tourism impacts on climate change.
The specific objectives are:
i) support the creation of solid transnational and multidisciplinary research groups specialised in Climate Change&Tourism (CC&T), among universities from Europe and Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Panama) and reinforce their academic capacities to increase regional knowledge on CC&T;
ii) promote research-based collaborative teaching in CC&T, via the development of a transversal study module that can be inserted in different courses at the postgraduate/doctoral level;
iii) enhance university-NGO-industry-public administration knowledge transfer so as to contribute to sustainable development and new employment opportunities, via a short professional development course in Climate Change&Tourism (CC&T); and,
iv) ensure sustainable academic relations among HEIs from Europe and Latin America around multi-disciplinary approaches to tackling climate change.
Project start
End of project
Financed by
European Commission – Erasmus +
Link with the SDGs