The objective of this project was to promote the Master’s Degree “ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WITH EMPHASIS IN COASTAL AREAS” taught by the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. The Caribbean Section gave classes in 2011. At the same time, it intended to be the benchmark for teaching, starting in 2012, a Master’s degree with a double degree between the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) and the Jorge Tadeo University itself. Lush. The main objective of the Master’s degree is to train comprehensive professionals who can understand, conceptualize, interpret and reflect on the different environmental problems of the coastal zone and assume the management of the different environmental management instruments necessary to face specific situations with human and social responsibility. This is achieved from the strengthening of skills and abilities that allow them to make strategic decisions in environmental management for the sustainable development of the coastal zone with emphasis on the use, conservation or preservation of natural resources.
Project start
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Link with the SDGs