Oct 30

17th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics

Carmelo León, Director of the UNESCO Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development of the TiDES Institute, participated in the 17th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, held in Santa Marta Colombia from 26 to 28 October 2023, presenting a paper in collaboration with Ana López Ojeda and Casiano Manrique de Lara on the measurement of air transport emissions in tourism and their impact on the economy. This conference has a long tradition in the analysis of the interrelationships between the economy and environmental systems, from interdisciplinary foundations and innovative methods of analysis.

The work presented delves into the measurement of tourism sustainability indicators from a robust and systemic point of view, useful for the methodology of the sustainable tourism observatories of the UNWTO INSTO network.

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